Alice and Annie are enjoying their summer - little do they know their time together is coming to an end. July is weaning month and Annie, Belle and Pearl will soon be on their own. The good news is they will have Shiraz and her soon to be born calf. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
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As the drought continues and wild fires are just miles to the west of us, we keep waiting for the rain to day maybe?? In the meantime, I thought the heat had gotten to me when I arrived home to find this...the mirror image of Pudge - only male and a puppy! Seriously!?!?!? At this rate, the small dog "herd" will overtake the mini herd! Needless to say, I was relieved to learn this little guy is California bound! Since he looks EXACTLY like our Pudge, we had to rescue him from the shelter (and just in time since he was VERY sick!). Cousins in CA loved Pudge so much (again - really??) that they are adopting "baby Pudge" once he is in good health. I hear we just have to figure out the transportation now! If you have followed Dudley's trials and tribulations over the years, you know he spent a good deal of time trying to "train the troops" to be good cow dogs. That wasn't always very successful as they rarely showed much interest in watching over the cows; however, I think Dudley would be proud of Little Pudge! At just a 1.5 years old, she has become quite the little MMH dog! She goes out every night to check the cows (perhaps take a cube or two) and she's not about to let 100+ degree weather slow her down. As you can see, she decided to put the calf water tubs to good use! She spent most of her cow time here..... This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
With great sadness, I must report our friend and mentor, Dudley, passed. He enjoyed these past few month and made the most of every day! Despite his state, Dudley loved to find the chicken eggs each day and remind the neighbors' dogs that HE was the boss (ok, well maybe I was, but I like to let Dudley believe they were running from him!). His legacy at MMH will never be forgotten...may he rest in peace. please come!! Its been months since we have seen a good "gulley washer" as they call it in Texas. The cracks in the ground are big, the grass is dead or almost non-existant and space under the tree is at a premium! For the first time in years, I have been supervising the distribution of hay in MAY and JUNE!! I hear good hay isn't easy to find these days....good thing those MMH cows are fat and happy! Its that time of year again and all of the females are being bred for 2012 calves. Ms Mabeline is maturing into a beautiful heifer. Soon she will be a mother herself....just 8 months away! She will join her mother, Sugar, and two sisters, Lizzy and Priscilla in the MMH herd. Its a family affair...and just like her sister's first calves, Ms Mabel is bred to Outlaw TJ! This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
The World According to Dudley (as told by Little Dog as of 2011)Feel free to email with comments or questions, just click HERE
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March 2016