Check out "Show Results" for the latest show photos of Alley and Dexter....
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![]() Over the past week or two, it seems as though the MMH cattle have multipled immensely! I even had Mr Dudley come out to help account for everyone as its almost too much for a little Cinderella - she and her sister, Fiona, were just dehorned. While Cinderella still doesn't feel 100%, she looks like she will be a beautiful little girl once her head heals - just look at that eye pigment! ![]() On Friday afternoon, Miss Madie gave birth to a beautiful little bull calf out of SS Maxmillion...this little guy wasted no time in getting up and exploring his surroundings! Madie is a great mother and was very protective of her son. My friend Pinkie was chased away several times before she finally learned her lesson (Dudley tried to "train" the troops!). Congratulations to our Nebraska friends! Miss Kitty was crowned Reserve Champion of the Star of Texas friend Jeff certainly knows how to pick them! We will post a photo soon and will anxiously await Miss Kitty's next generation....
Well, its been quite the week! The minis did very well at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo....our boy, Sir Dexter, was the Reserve Champion Fall/Winter Jr Bull and our girl, TJ's Alley Surprise was the Grand Champion Fall/Winter Intermediate Heifer!! Considering only three calves were entered, MMH did well. I was rather restless here at the ranch, but I kept Dudley company and watched over the herd. Stay tuned for photos!
![]() I have been a constant companion of Dudley's for almost 5 years now. I LOVE feeding "my" cows each night and am never far away from the action. I felt honored to be present for Belle's birth earlier this year and have faithfully watched most of the MMH herd grow up to be great show cattle and even better mothers. I have big shoes to fill and pledge to carry on, as this blog will always be a legacy of Dudley's. Regretfully, I write to you today with a heavy heart. I have been diagnosed with liver cancer and the vet does not believe I will be able to celebrate my 6th that I may enjoy my remaining time AND my legacy may continue, I am passing the torch to Little Dog. In truth, she is probably the rightful owner of this blog given her dedication and true enjoyment of "feeding the cows" each day. Her enthusiasm for the minis has been contagious and I know she will continue to carry out my duty with honor and integrity. She takes her job seriously and will watch over the minis just as she does young Alex....
![]() Annie and Pearl This year, the calves' are all named after famous wild west outlaws in honor of their father, HD Outlaw TJ. So without further adoue....we are pleased to introduce: Annie Oakley, Pearl and Belle! These little girls look like they are going to be GREAT additions to MMH. While they are still smaller than me, they show excellent conformation and look at those hips! This could be a fun show season....its too bad they don't allow a dog like me to attend! |
The World According to Dudley (as told by Little Dog as of 2011)![]() Feel free to email with comments or questions, just click HERE
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March 2016